luni, 30 noiembrie 2015

Moscow discourages Turkish Russian clubs to sign players

The Russian sports minister, Vitaly Mutko, discouraged the Russians Turkish sports clubs to sign players and did not rule out that economic measures against Turkey Moscow include a ban of that kind.
"If anyone intends (to bring a Turkish athlete) during the winter transfer window, I'm sure you will not have that chance. I'm not going to pass, but the signal is clear," Mutko sanctions said, referring economic decreed against Turkey on Saturday by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Among other measures, that will materialize today, approved by Moscow in retaliation for the shooting down of a Russian bomber Su-24 at the Turkish-Syrian border, Putin banned Russian employers who are not authorized by the government to hire Turkish citizens from next January 1.
Vitaly Mutko, in any case recommended that clubs do not consider the signing of Turkish players.
The minister, however, described as "excellent person" Turkish international Gökdeniz Karadeniz player for eight seasons of Rubin Kazan.
"Karadeniz is at heart a Russian guy, a great person. If all (the Turks) were like him, would be great," he said.
At the same time, Vitaly Mutko said that economic sanctions will not affect Turkish subcontracts currently working on the construction of stadiums where World Cup matches will be played in Russia 2018.
"Some projects may it be Turkish subcontractors. If you have contracts, they will continue working," he said.
Presidential Decree establishes prohibitions or restrictions on Turkish companies to do certain jobs and provide services in the territory of Russia, according to a list that will draw up the Cabinet Ministers.

Concurs Stanleybet 2015 in agentii la aparatele Megajackpot

Promotia a inceput luna trecuta si se termina la anul! :) Stanleybet te invita sa sarbatoresti impreuna cu ei 5 ani de Megajackpot in Romania printr-o Mega Tombola.
Trebuie sa mergi in perioada 26 Octombrie 2015 – 17 Ianuarie 2016 in agentiile Stanleybet, sa joci la aparatele Megajackpot, sa castigi nivelul Grand al jackpotului si poti fi chiar tu castigatorul unuia din premiile de mai jos

  • Marele Premiu – Renault Captur
  • Premiul 2: 5000 lei
  • Premiul 3: 4000 lei
  • Premiul 2: 3000 lei
  • Premiul 1: 2000 lei.

Ai castigat nivelul Grand al jackpotului atunci mergi la ghiseu iar noi te inscriem automat in cursa pentru unul din premiile de mai sus. Dupa inregistrare iti vom valida inscrierea iar tu vei primi confirmarea prin SMS, continand totodata si un COD UNIC. Pastreaza codul unic pentru extragere!

Pentru detalii consulta regulametul campaniei disponibil aici!

Extragerea va avea loc in perioada 18-20 Ianuarie 2016.

Concurs Amigo 2015 pe

Concurs AMIGO 2015 "Premii direct in cutie" se desfasoara in perioada 01 Noiembrie 2015 - 31 Ianuarie 2016.

Amigo este alaturi de cei care nu au timp de promotii, dar dupa premiile puse in joc am putea spune ca este un concurs pentru saraci, de la saraci! Oare asa de sarac a ajuns Distribuitorul Amigo din Romania? De reclama, nu am mai vazut o reclama de ceva vreme la "Instant Coffee - AMIGO", dar chiar concursul asta cu bonuri de masa sau bonuri cadou de la Sodexo? Noroc ca nu mai exista bilete de tramvai sau RATB, ca probabil asta ar fi fost urmatorul concurs AMIGO - castiga bilete RATB cu una, doua sau cinci calatorii! castiga un bilet cu cinci calatorii RATB incluse ar fi fost premiul cel mare! :)

In perioada 1 noiembrie 2015 - 31 ianuarie 2016 castigi premii in valoare de 50, 20 sau 10 lei, direct in cutie.  Cauta in magazine produsele Amigo cu eticheta promotionala in variantele 50g, 100g, 200g si 300g. 

Campania se adreseaza persoanelor fizice cu domiciliu sau rezidenta in Romania care au implinit  varsta de 18 ani, pana la startul concursului.

Produse participante.
  • Amigo de 50 grame.
  • Amigo de 100 grame.
  • Amigo de 200 grame.
  • Amigo de 300 grame.
Mecanismul de desfasurare.
In perioada 01 Noiembrie 2015 - 31 Ianuarie 2016 achizitioneaza cel putin un produs AMIGO participant la Campanie si cauta in interiorul cutiei.

Premii instant.
  • 29.300 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 10 lei fiecare.
  • 400 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 20 lei fiecare.
  • 200 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 50 lei fiecare.

Regulamentul si alte detalii pe

Concurs F64 - Fotografiaza Romaneste

Un nou concurs pentru pasionatii de fotografie de la F64 - cel mai mare magazin pentru fotografii din Romania, care in ultima perioada si-a cam dezamagit clientii! 

Ce trebuie sa faci? Sa trimiti maxim 3 fotografii despre tradiții sau obiceiuri și locurilor reprezentative pentru România și poți câștiga unul dintre cele 3 super premii puse în joc de F64 și Sony.

Concursul se desfasoara in perioada 27.noiembrie.2015 - 20.decembrie.2015. Asadar a inceput de trei zile si deja pe site sunt uploadate 134 de fotografii. Daca punem la socoteala ca primele, probabil 30 de fotografii, apartin lui F64 pentru a-si ridica un pic cota concursului, oricum avem o medie putin peste 35 de fotografii pe zi!

Imagini le asteptate sunt cele având ca tematică promovarea valorilor naturii, a culturii și tradițiilor românești. Imaginile trimise trebuie să aibă latura mare de 1024 pixeli. Acestea vor fi în format JPEG, cu exif, fără semnătură, dată sau alte însemne pe ele.

Prin jurizare vor fi acordate următoarele premii:

  • Premiul I: un aparat foto Mirrorless Sony Alpha A5100 cu obiectiv de kit 16-50 mm;
  • Premiul II: o camera video sport Sony Action Cam FDR-X1000V-4K;
  • Premiul III: un aparat foto tip bridge Sony HX300;

Perioada de desfasurare concurs asa cum am spus mai sus: 27 noiembrie – 20 decembrie 2015. Jurizarea se vaface pe 21 decembrie, iar pe 22 decembrie va fi anuntat castigatorul!

Participa la acest concurs si nu uita inainte sa citesti regulamentul concursului! 

Concurs Huawei 2015 pe

Chinezii de la Huawei ne propun un concurs cu tema comunista: "Visează, orice este posibil!" Probabil ca in tara lor ar fi adaugat  "ai grija sa ne placa si noua ce visezi"! :))

Sau spune-ne unde visezi să călătorești și te trimitem în vacanță. - Eh aici ne-au cam luat-o asiaticii in fata pentru ca ei calatoresc mai mult decat orice roman! Sa nu mai vorbim de bogatasii Chinei, pentru care Anglia nu stie ce sa mai faca ca sa-i invite sa cumpere in Londra. Exista oferte chiar in tara lor, dar si in celelalte tari asiatice unde exista bogati, pentru scumpele proprietati din capitala Angliei!

Sa ne intoarcem la lucururi mai normale, mai romanesti - concursul de la Huawei ne imbie sa cumparam orice smartphone Huawei, apoi sa ne gandim unde am vrea să mergem și sa ne inscriem pe site-ul campaniei Huawei – Make It Possible.

Alege-ți orice loc de pe glob și introdu codul IMEI al smartphone-ului Huawei cumpărat în perioada campaniei.

Poți câștiga o călătorie la alegere oriunde în jurul lumii, cu excepția zonelor aflate în conflict, în limita a 10.000 de euro.

Dacă nu te tentează o vacanță în jurul lumii desenează-ţi visurile şi poți câştigă un smartphone Huawei P8 Lite în fiecare zi.

Perioada de desfasurare concurs: 27 noiembrie – 31 decembrie 2015

Participa la acest concurs si nu uita inainte sa citesti reglamentul campaniei pe 

Lakers star Kobe Bryant announces end of career

Basketball legend Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers has announced his retirement from active competition for the end of this season. Its 20th season in the professional league NBA will be his last, reported the "New York Times" on Sunday.

The shooting guard has announced his resignation on the Internet platform "The Players 'Tribune' in a poem entitled" Dear Basketball ». Although his heart and his brain could bear the burden of the sport yet, wrote the 37-year-old. "But my body knows it is time to say goodbye."

He fell in love at the age of six years in the sport and given him everything: "Brain and Body", "spirit and soul", Bryant wrote on.

Bryant has enjoyed a career full of superlatives: it has five NBA championship titles and is two-time Olympic champion. He also scored the fifth player in the NBA history 30,000 points in his career. In 2012 he managed the youngest player in the illustrious circle the inclusion of the most successful hunters points in the long history of North American professional basketball league NBA.

His contract ends on 30 June 2016 just two months before his 38th birthday. Kobe Bryant had in recent years, however, repeatedly suffered physical setbacks (Achilles tendon injuries, knee, shoulder). The newspaper "USA Today" said that in view of its rather poor form lately, the announced withdrawal from the sport was hardly surprising.

 Kobe Bryant is one of the biggest earners in professional basketball and also results in 2015 again the list. The Lakers star earned $ 25 million this year.

Andrea Petkovic motivated by Sven Voss

Andrea Petkovic, currently world ranking number 22 in women's tennis, was on Saturday night as a guest in the current Sports Centre (ZDF) and told in an interview with presenter Sven Voss, why she thought the leztzten weeks and months again and again about their careers end.

A good performance with a distinct message right at the beginning of the conversation: Petko continues.

Who on Saturday night not just the TV-Total-diving or the boxing Klitschko vs. Fury remained hanging, which was in the ZDF Sport Studio to see a classic interview in which tennis star Andrea Petkovic presenter Sven Voss answer questions stand. The conversation began:

Sven Voss: "You have said.? I want to find out if I want to continue playing Which conclusions did you come" Andrea Petkovic (laughs): "Well, I'm going to continue playing." Sven Voss: "Thank you here were. "Andrea Petkovic:" Yes, I can now indeed go ... "

After this little slugfest the face of Petkovic started to significantly darken before they talked about the most difficult time of their career. Career-ending? Burn-out, deep hole ... all terms that last fall in connection with Germany's tennis ace.

Petkovic commented wiefolgt: "I have said I do not want to go on like that was, but rather based on the 0:. 6, 0: 6 defeat (...), on the deep hole in which I daily maneuvered myself had - I had just not fun anymore, I took everything too seriously, every defeat was totally meaningless pregnant It was loose anything I had forgotten that I still love the sport "...

Voss goes where it hurts - the TV viewers got a sovereign Petkovic to see that, however, time and again noticeably tried to steer the conversation in a fluffy, light, entertaining direction. Somewhat confused her compared to the lead singer of Led Zeppelin, who had to fight also the age of 28 years with burnout, but then "his guitar in his hand took" and doing what he loved. Moderator Sven Voss however let such comparisons winking subsequently no longer apply and turned consistently among the subjects that Petkovic visible severe fell:

Voss: "Is it too difficult to go on tour, if one knows that one is really needed at home your mother is ill ...?" Petkovic: "Yes, there came much together I am a very familirärer Man Man enjoying.. the time very, you must spend at home. (...) It was also a part of the whole, I've built up in my head (...) which was not so bad to the outside. This is me now become aware." 

Sven Voss: " Is that your criticism at the tennis circus you travel a lot (...) In reality, you are there also very lonely "? Andrea Petkovic: " Yes, (...) the images that you see, it always looks all very loud. But it is most of the time alone in the hotel (...) as I would hope, I would have a football team with me (...) Just the time to share together (...) The of course, has played a big part. "

Conclusion: A presence that is encouraging - and wanting more towards the end of the interview told Petkovic nor of their friendly ties to Boris Becker: "When I go to a match almost depressed sitting at the French Open at the table, he's easy to set me. (...) In the end it was really great, he could tell me a lot of things. " Boris Becker, as Petkovic could "give a bit of maintenance" her. And you could see that even the TV appearance. Petkovic had strengthened, motivated, confident. Nothing to see from the disturbing impressions, moored at the headlines of the past few weeks ("End of career", "crisis of meaning", "crying fits").

Andrea Petkovic is back. And looking forward to the new season. At the Olympics in Rio. "I look forward to as a little child," said the tennis player. We are pleased with it! The ease, it seems, is back. On the ZDF goal wall she put the end of the program then also directly demonstrate - and hammered the ball in the last try in the top left in the proverbial "Willi".

Bundesliga: Pep: declaration of love to the city & staff

Coach Pep Guardiola has let elicit any concrete statements about his future at Bayern Munich on Sunday, but raved about the city and issued a declaration of love to his staff.

 "We speak in peace," he said during Advent visit to the Lower Bavarian Fan club "Bayern Vilsbiburg Bazis" with regard to the interview with Karl-Heinz Rummenigge.

The club boss wants 96 perform this after the last match of the first round in Hanover on 19 December with the coach. "We will," Guardiola announced for the interview to "make the right decision. For the club. For me. That's the most important thing."

Pep raves about employees

Nevertheless, the Catalan underlined once again how well he feels in the Bavarian capital. "The city is amazing. I love it. I'm very happy. My family also." This was "a big reason" for a possible extension.

"I am satisfied with the club, the players," Pep, who had prepared a declaration of love, especially for the staff of the record champion said: "I love working with the Bayern-employees."

Losses for Klose and Rüdigers from AS Roma - Juventus wins without Khedira

With football champion Miroslav Klose as the joker Lazio Rome in the Italian Serie A conceded a painful defeat. When tables -16th Empoli FC defeated the capital club on Sunday with 0: 1 (0: 1) and slipped to tenth place.

Lorenzo Tonelli (5th) had Empoli scored an early lead in the second half (57) Substitute Klose missed in the 74th minute the equalizer home.

Without the injured Sami Khedira put Juventus his comeback continues. After his poor start to the season of champions triumphed at US Palermo 1: 0 (0: 0) and celebrated his fourth win in succession. Juve's fifth and six points behind leaders Inter Milan. The former Munich Bundesliga player Mario Mandzukic (54), Stefano Sturaro (89th) and Simone Zaza (90 + 3) met for Turin.

Without national player Antonio Rüdiger Lazio's city rivals AS Roma suffered their first home defeat. Five days after the 1: 6 defeat in the Champions League with FC Barcelona the former Stuttgart was on the bench when his team 0: 2 (0: 1) against Atalanta lost.

Alejandro Gomez (40th) and German Denis (83. / penalty) scored the goals, substitute Roman Maicon was sent off (81), yellow and red, there were for the guests Player Guglielmo Stendardo (88th) and Alberto Grassi (90th). Rome failed to make it to second place and is with 27 points in fourth place - three points behind leaders Inter Milan, who competes on Monday (21.00 clock) at Napoli. Rüdiger had been harshly criticised by Italian media after his poor performance in Barcelona.

PSG should especially be wary of himself

Autumn Champion - PSG - after his success against Troyes (4-1) Saturday, PSG flies over the Championship of France as did Lyon during the 2006-2007 season, which had 14-point lead over Lille at the 15 th day. There are three competitions a. The battle for the title, one for European markets and finally the struggle to maintain. 

One certainty: PSG remains alone in its class. He will be champion of France and the only suspense is knowing when. Without competition or adversity in France, PSG could pay in the Champions League. 

How to motivate? Tomorrow, simply PSG to read the classification of the L 1 for not taking Angers, promoted and surprising 3 e, too to lightly. But how to stay focused when you have as much advance? For now, the question does not arise. "During our last 4 or 5 games, you're in the right frame of mind," notes Laurent Blanc, referring to the victories against Toulouse, Lorient, Troyes or Malmö for 16 and scored two goals conceded. 

The PSG coach however, is not fooled: sagging sometimes watches his men, as in Rheims September 19 (1-1), one of two draws Parisians of the season. 

"Youth will be put if the pros do not have the motivation," he warns. PSG is not there. However, the gap of thirteen points Ligue 1 on the first prosecutor gives the technician more convenience to rotate his team and integrate young shoots, became a subject sensitive to the club since the start in 2014 of Kingsley Coman at Juventus and more since his explosion at Bayern in 2015. 

Augustin, scorer Saturday against Troyes, had known his first start on August 16 against Ajaccio (2-0) and the Park and Ongenda Kimpembe immediately trampled the lawn of the Stadium Moustoir in Lorient when moving with a purpose and a penultimate pass for the first (2-1)

Serie A - Juventus puts the fourth 0-3 to Palermo

The Bianconeri also pass Barbera finding the fourth successive league: a decisive blow with the head of Mandzukic in the second half on assists usual Dybala, then seals the end of Sturaro and Zaza. Juve thus returns to -3 from Rome Ranked fourth

It is not completely cured, it is not completely round, but for less time wins. The fourth consecutive victory of Juventus in the league comes with a round 0-3 in Palermo - 0-1 score "true" - that does not erase the problems of construction of the maneuver of the Bianconeri, but at the same time delivered a solid team again and cynical . And this in itself is already a news story. Success, this was built based on a 3-5-2 module now with more guarantees for Allegri; and showing the Juventus to -3 from that Rome that until a few weeks ago seemed unattainable. Now, however, even before the Christmas break, Juve is already there breathing down the neck of the Giallorossi. Too early to kick up a 'Championship Manager', but the march is clear: somehow, Juventus, it has led to. The other the task - not obvious - to continue as if nothing had happened.


Cuardado yes, Alex Sandro not. In Palermo Allegri returns with 3-5-2 appearing form better working at home Juve, but compared to the City's turnover Exterior: instead of the Brazilian - best in the field with the English - Evra; instead of Lichtsteiner, Cuadrado. The move does not seem to pay much: the Colombian fact combines little to the right, and on the other side of the Juve struggling to break through. About, of course, also of Palermo. The boys Ballardini keep high pace on the ball carrier and kill the bud already - rather poor - ideas of Juve. In short, it comes out so that the best chance to score in the first half comes on the head from a corner by Bonucci. Little, if the idea is to put Juventus fourth consecutive win in season.

But after the break the music changes. And it does so almost immediately. Or because Palermo is unable to keep the pace of the first half, but want above all because of the stroke of Paulo Dybala that with a perfect left is the movement of the far post Mandzukic: detachment of arrogance on Struna, goals that changes the race.

Yes because Ballardini goes a bit 'in panic lever Gilardino, he throws in Quaison and Trajkovski, but not so the Palermo takes on a more even. For the Juventus rearguard becomes a breeze manage the lead, and in the end, in Palermo now unbalanced, before Sturaro - assists Pogba - and then Zaza - assists Morata - close the budget.


Fourth straight league victory for Juventus. He not happened since last April.

Atletico Madrid win but loses Tiago: for the former Juventus fractured tibia

Afternoon bittersweet one of Saturday's Atletico Madrid that while it retains second place thanks to the narrow victory against the ' Espanyol , the other loses Tiago for quite a long time. 

The former midfielder of Juventus , in fact, on the half hour the first time he was forced to leave the field on a stretcher after a serious battle with Asenjo . 

 The severity of the accident was also immediately perceived by Tiago who immediately called for help with gestures rather clear. Gravity then unfortunately confirmed by examinations that have found a compound fracture of the right tibia. Tiago, who left the field in tears, the season is pretty much over. 

 The Portuguese, however, can at least console themselves with the long applause from spectators from 'Calderon' when changing with Carrasco while Simeone after the game he tried to encourage his player: "Tiago has a great energy and is already counting the days to return. We say that we love him and we will send you all our heat. "

Segunda Division - Barca B, Sabadell and Recreativo Segunda B teams

After disputing the 41st day of Liga Adelante, Barcelona B, Sabadell and Recreativo de Huelva are teams Segunda B. Barca lost to Leganes, Sabadell against Sporting and Recre against Osasuna, who play together Racing not be the fourth team down. Above, the Girona follows in second place with two points behind Sporting.

The Barcelona B , Sabadell and Recreativo de Huelva are mathematically teams Second Division B. After completion of the 41st day of Liga Adelante, the three sets leave the silver category of Spanish football after failing in their respective parties.

The Barça B lost to a bulging result Leganes 2-5 in a match in which Munir, who on Saturday celebrated the Copa del Rey with the first team, will lead the squad.

For its part, the Sabadell lost against Sporting Gijon, who won 2-0 and still fighting to get direct ascent to First. The seat rests with the Girona , who won 0-1 at Mallorca and caresses the League BBVA.

Finally, Recreativo de Huelva could not defeat Osasuna (2-0) and says goodbye to the League as classified in the penultimate table. Osasuna is precisely the team that will play to avoid relegation on the final day next to Racing de Santander , which is in danger posts.

About Messi-Neymar-Luis Suarez, Bale, Tiago, Nuno and Escudero


Classic installed to Barcelona in a sublime moment, suddenly canceled the doubt s the start of the season and leaving an unbeatable image that was developed without Messi and enlarged with the return of the best player in the world. The step forward without the Argentine star was shared between Neymar and Luis Suarez. He grew up the role of both and has not been lowered with the return of Leo .

The 'MNS' is ready to make a time and want to repeat what happened in the 'Golden Ball' 2010 when the 'podium' was Barca. Messi, Iniesta and Xavi at present with three strikers who have scored 30 of Barcelona's 33 goals in the league. They alone added more goals than the entire staff of Real Madrid (28). The highest point of the team Luis Enrique comes to establish itself as a leader in the league , kill the Champions League group and see on the horizon the challenge of becoming the best club in the world at the World Cup. The magic of Neymar, the punch of Luis Suarez and around player cartoon Messi returns to ring the Barca fans. .


It closed in Ipurua his best weeks of the season Bale, recovering his most dominating Lviv version in the Champions League as it fell to the left, its natural area, and finalizing his slump unmarked Ipurua. After the two goal assists against Shakhtar Cristiano, against Eibar led the way with a header to a win that lifts worked at Real Madrid the doldrums after losing to Sevilla and Barcelona.

Had not scored since August 29 Bale, too long for a player with Cristiano and Benzema Karim must take responsibility for the goal. Abandoned the right, this season Benitez looking for a site. Your site is left but to persuade Christian to abandon definitively is a complex task. Changing positions during games is throwing down the street and when the average falls to the left Gareth returns to football for Real Madrid paid 100 million euros. Recovered from his calf injury is now seeking continuity in performance. Your team needs to return to regularly. .


Atletico Madrid lost a key player in the next four months, the estimated recovery time tibial fracture that was operated on Sunday the Portuguese center half. It is a shocking and maximum importance for a set spinning on their anticipation floor, his leadership, his placement and pace.

Is the "brain team owner in the middle of the field," said his coach a few weeks ago, the Argentine Diego Simeone , forced now, just when eleven had already defined type system, a new reinvention, no time for doubt, and the right choice of a substitute for a decisive position at Atletico between Saul Ñíguez, most likely, Thomas Partey or transfer of Koke . In January there will be one more option: the Argentine Matías Kranevitter.

- Nuno Espírito Santo

Nuno situation had become untenable and although the Portuguese coach said openly that he has decided together with the heads of Valencia leaving the bench, he took leave after the defeat at the Sanchez Pizjuan in Seville. Before the meeting he had already spoken to Peter Lim and nothing will stop the departure of a coach who returned to the club to Champions League but lost credit every game this season.

Mestalla was never easy for technicians square. Some who had heard songs titles against tier in the past. Nuno took complex decisions. Talk with Alvaro Negredo ended up hurting the team. The crowd sided with the player and the coach was noted. Only results would support him and have not arrived. The poor image of the team, the situation costume, mismanagement of a huge investment, the complication of a Champions League group was on track, the wrong time in the league. Nuno pulls everything together to goodbye. And he speaks in the past Valencia. .

  - Sergio Escudero 

Raul's friend in Germany lived a difficult season in Sevilla, injured upon arrival at the leap in quality that was from Getafe, with subsequent relapse and initial months further complicated adaptation. Escudero asked responded profile Unai Emery to reinforce its side and was the surprise in the starting an important match against Valencia al.

The official debut 149 days after its signing, soon arrived but could not help him better taste. Escudero signed a goal, hooking in the air with a great technical gesture with the outside of the ball Ever Banega. His left-footed shot, powerful angle took three golden points to Sevilla. It means finished injured with a blow. He left the stadium with ice. But nothing stops her big day. From now turning to feel footballer, he begins a new stage of his career.

Neymar in the first place; Aduriz becomes top Spanish striker

The Brazilian's Barcelona Neymar , with a double spread their sweet time, leading the scoring of the Liga BBVA with 14 goals in thirteen days, while the front of the Athletic Club , Aritz Aduriz , scored a hat-trick in Vallecas and became up Spanish striker with ten goals.

 The trident Barcelona scored again, once recovered from his injury the Argentine Lionel Messi , who sealed the win for Real Sociedad with his fourth goal in the league. Neymar made ​​two and Luis Suarez pursues him in the standings, after scoring another goal to reach 12 in total.

He is third Aduriz after signing the three goals of the Athletic Club of Bilbao to Rayo Vallecano , beating the pulse of national scorers Lucas Perez (Deportivo) and Agirretxe (Real Sociedad), with nine, the same as the Portuguese Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo , who scored his second penalty of the league campaign in Ipurua.

Scoring charts (13th day):

- With 14 goals: Neymar (BRA) (3p) (Barcelona).

- With 12 goals: Luis Suarez (URU) (1p) (Barcelona).

- With 10 goals: Aduriz (Athletic Club).

- With 9 goals: Lucas Perez (Deportivo); Cristiano Ronaldo (POR) (2p) (Real Madrid); Agirretxe (Real Sociedad).

- With 8 goals: Ruben Castro (1p) ( Betis ); Nolito (1p) ( Celta ).

- With 7 goals: Javi Guerra (Rayo Vallecano).

- With 6 goals: Griezmann (FRA) (Atletico de Madrid); Iago Aspas (Celta); Cane Borja ( Eibar ); Benzema (FRA) (Real Madrid); Paco Alcacer (2p) ( Valencia ).

- With 5 goals: Gameiro (FRA) ( Sevilla ).

- With 4 goals: Iñaki Williams (Athletic); Messi (ARG) (1p) (Barcelona); Orellana (CHI) (1p) (Celta), Felipe Caicedo (ECU) and Hernán Pérez (PAR) ( Espanyol ); Deyverson (BRA) ( Levante ); Charles (BRA) ( Malaga ); Parejo (1p) (Valencia); Bakambu (FRA) ( Villarreal ).

- With 3 goals: Raul Garcia (Athelic); Saul Berjón (2p) and Sergi Enrich (Eibar); Alvaro Vazquez and Scepovic (SRB) ( Getafe ); El Arabi (1p) (MAR), and Success (NGR) ( Granada ); Jonathan Viera ( Las Palmas ); Gareth Bale (PDG) and James (COL) (Real Madrid), Fernando Llorente (Sevilla).

- With 2 goals: Carrasco Yannick (FRA), Koke , Jackson Martinez (COL) and Fernando Torres (Atletico Madrid); Susaeta (Athletic), Daniel Wass (DIN) (Celta); Enzo Roco (CHI) (Espanyol) Luis Alberto and Faycal Fajr (FRA) (Deportivo); Adrian Gonzalez (Eibar); Victor Rodriguez and Lafita (Getafe); Rochina, Piti and Babin (FRA) (Granada) Araujo (ARG) (Las Palmas); Camarasa (Levante); Trashorras (2p) and Jozabad (Rayo Vallecano), Marcelo (BRA) and Jesse (Real Madrid); Vela (MEX) (Real Sociedad); Konoplyanka (UKR) (1p), N'Zonzi (FRA) and Ever Banega (1p) (Sevilla); Carlos Castro, Antonio Sanabria (PAR) Halilovic (CRO) and Alex Menéndez ( Sporting ); Mustafi (GER) (Valencia); Soldier and Mario (Villarreal).

- With 1 goal: Sabin Merino, Laporte (FRA) (Athletic Club), Gabi , Correa (ARG) Vietto (ARG) and Tiago (POR) (Atletico de Madrid); Bartra, Andres Iniesta and Vermaelen (BEL) (Barcelona); Joaquin, Petros (BRA), Westermann (GER) and Renella (ITA) (Betis); Augusto (ARG), Guidetti (SWE), Fontás and Pablo Hernandez (CHI) (Celta), Juanfran , Celso Borges (CRC), and Fede Cartabia Arribas (ARG) (Deportivo); Escalante and Arruabarrena (Eibar), Victor Alvarez , Gerard Moreno (1p), Salva Sevilla and Victor Sanchez (Espanyol); Emiliano Buendia 'Emi' (ARG), Sarabia and Emiliano Velázquez (URU) (Getafe); Fran Rico and Foulquier (FRA) (Granada); Roque Mesa, Alcaraz (PAR) and David Simon (Las Palmas); Victor Casadesus, Morales, Zou Feddal (MAR) and Verza (Levante); Tighadouini (MOR), Fornals and Juan Carlos (Málaga); Embarba (Rayo Vallecano); Sergio Ramos, Danilo (BRA) and Isco (Real Madrid); Illarramendi, Xabi Prieto and Jonathas (BRA) (Real Sociedad); Immobile (ITA), Krohn-Dehli (DIN), Iborra and Escudero (Sevilla); Jony, Bernardo (COL), and Carlos Guerrero Nacho Cases (Sporting); Negredo, André Gomes (POR), Feghouli (ALG) and Bakkali (BEL) (Valencia); Bruno (1p), Denis Suarez, Manu Trigueros, Jaume Costa and Samu García (Villarreal).

- Own goal: Pablo Hernandez (Celta, against Las Palmas); Alvaro González (Espanyol, Deportivo); Tissone (Malaga against Villarreal); Charles (Málaga against Valencia); Diego Llorente (Rayo against Eibar); Jonny (Celta and Deportivo); Laporte (Athletic Club, against Granada); David Simon (Las Palmas, Deportivo); Jozabad (Rayo Vallecano against Getafe

Brahimi and Casillas resolve in Viseu

Thus for over a year at FC Porto.

Are the individuals of extra class, for what is the situation in Portugal, which will holding the place to Lopetegui.

The players are playing, and with a little organisation, since individualities are of great level of fact, all coaches are enabled to win.  

However, there is always to realise what players and what is the coach. FC Porto is impossible to tell an array coach. Everything goes looking more random than properly trained. There is a philosophy and noticeable. However, this is insufficient. Philosophy can not do notice only on the players' decisions. It must be felt on placements. The ideas for every moment of the game. For each offensive or defensive phase. 

FC Porto will all emerging as to the repelões. It is rather complicated to identify common behaviours. In common only the absence of connection between players. The lack of identity. 

I do not come crying to the seven winds and ask a philosophy of possession. It must give the weapons to make it viable. No matter saying "We will have the ball" when there is no explanation "as we have." Because the "We" without the "how" makes it tasteless. 

The best coach says his philosophy but giving you the way. Defining the positions that by ensuring more options, the possibilities to fulfill its philosophy. Lopetegui just seems to be noted what is verbal. "I want to ball." After the athletes to embody the request in their decisions with the ball. However, there is no work without providing security for what is intended.

Nuno Espirito Santo announced an end to his time at Valencia unconfirmed who has resigned

Dani Parejo, captain of Valencia , said the Portuguese Nuno Espirito Santo had told the players after the press conference he gave at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan who had resigned as coach.

"The coach has always conveyed that he could handle the situation. In the end it can not be seen," he said Parejo told Movistar Plus, "I do not know that they have had communication between himself and the president."

"Are we, we have to pull forward, defend the jersey, defend the shield and be more united than ever," said Parejo, who admitted that this situation came after "a tough week" with adverse outcomes and could not find his game and they had a good feeling.

However, he assessed that form a "good group of young" all components of the template are being "good" and stressed that "now more than ever we must be together."

Nuno Espirito Santo has ended his time as coach of Valencia without verbalized confirmation of his resignation, although in the press conference after the defeat of his team in Sevilla (1-0 ) said he wished the best for the team, the club, the fans and the property.

 He said he was proud to have been coach of Valencia, was grateful and wished him well for the future at the club Valencia.

Nuno joined Valencia last year and half and in his first season the team managed to qualify for the League of Champions, but in today failed to achieve a pattern of play, or feel embraced by the fans who have sent him on many occasions Mestalla shouting "Nuno, go now."

Despite counted from the first moment with absolute confidence Valencia owner, Peter Lim, and have been this season, following the departure of manager, Francisco Perez Rufete, as head of the sports club plot, the project has been truncated.

Nuno's words in a news conference after the 1-0 defeat at Sevilla were not specific and the only thing that was clear was that Monday will be a meeting with the president of the club, Layhoon Chan, after which further details will be specified I made ​​the announcement today.

Nuno got on the final day of last championship Valencia qualified for the Champions League and his hand last summer overcame qualifier against Monaco .

In the current campaign, the Valencia has never shown a definite style of play, or the league or the Champions League. In the national championship Valencia is eleventh, but just five points from the Champions League, although in the first third of the league has a bad image with better results than game.

In the Champions League, Valencia is a party of the qualifying round, but not dependent on himself. You must win at Olympique Lyon in the 9th Mestalla and wait a puncture of Ghent at home to Zenit St Petersburg.

The fans of Valencia has not attuned to the technician who, decision after decision, has ensured that the fracture was higher, with recent examples of this gap between those who emphasized the decision not to have Alvaro Negredo .

Although Negredo was not at its best, Nuno Espirito Santo led determining that the fans put on the player.

Unexpected changes in alignments, the existing sense that the leading role in the formation depended on the player's agent, in a club where the presence of Jorge Mendes has been constant, have also influenced.

The final determination of the technical striking has taken place in the meeting today. It has been the exclusion of alignment goalkeeper Jaume Domenech, who so far has been the key player in a discrete Valencia season.

After the morning meeting, the club announced strategy to replace Nuno Espirito Santo on the bench of Nuno Espirito Santo and try to straighten the course of the team.

Unai Emery: "We were superior at all times, but lacked a better result"

The Sevilla coach Unai Emery said after winning 1-0 at Valencia that were "superior at all times," both when they were "eleven against eleven" in the field and then with "once against ten against nine "for the two expulsions suffered by the opponent, but admitted they lacked" a better result. "

 At a press conference, Emery was happy for the victory and that "equal Sevilla have also been higher and has been well positioned in the field," without giving arrivals at Valencia, noting that "needed improvement in defense" and they have, plus they have created chances, but have not been "successful" earned.

"At home, we feel confident and in every game we have to win credibility. We needed, from the defense security, continue to have offensive capabilities and we have succeeded. We have had occasions still eleven against eleven and one more we have continued on the same line , from the defensive to the offensive strength, against a good team, which is not easy to reach out to its target, " Unai Emery argued.

For Sevilla coach in the final, already playing with two players, "2-0 would have allowed close the game, but in any isolated action any situation that could create problems appear to us, and we avoided that," he said.

Emery said his team "always want to play well at home show aggressiveness and intensity, breadth and depth, and that has made" and stressed that "from there" what they want is to win and "if a result bulky, better. "

In any case, he insisted that the Sevilla generated "occasions, but lacked success, but creating them the goals will come" as "the three points were important", noting that even if they had wanted to "complete with a better result, has failed be".

"You have to draw a line of regularly at home and now provide continuity in the next two games in Logroño Cup and Coruna in La Liga. The work is the only way I know to gain trust and credibility. At home the team has strength and takes the victories, but not enough for what it aspires to Sevilla and we all covet "he said.

The coach wanted to achieve first victories of the season were at the following outputs, for focusing first on the Logroñés and then Deportivo, because "Coruna on Saturday is another opportunity to continue the work done today."

Nuno Espirito Santo announced his move to "non-stop" this "project present and future"

The Portuguese Nuno Espirito Santo, until now coach of Valencia , announced his departure from the club after losing 1-0 away to Sevilla, stating that the company has "a draft and present future "that he does not want to" be curbed. "

 "We are all agreed that Valencia is a project of present and future. I do not want this to slow down, I want the Valencia again be among the largest in Europe," he said at a press conference.

After the meeting, Nuno appeared "sad" in the press room at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan, but "very proud" of his time at Valencia, and was "eternally grateful because it was proud and honored to have been coach of Valencia ".

"Before the game I spoke with the president (Lay Hoon Chan) and property, Peter Lim, and also later, and we all agree that the situation is not good and we all have to do what's best for the club . That's always been my aim. I am an employee of the club, but it is important to make decisions, "said the Portuguese.

He would not say whether he has been dismissed or he has resigned from office and has reached an agreement with the leaders of the Valencian entity, and referred on Monday to give "details" after the meeting to be held "with ownership to decide on the future. "

Nuno Espirito Santo thanked his work "all players" who has had to Lim, who he said is "your friend" and will remain so, and "the fans of a great club like Valencia", which requested "to continue supporting the younger workforce League , which last year made ​​the best classification of its history (77 points) and still alive in all competitions. "

"It is important that the valencianismo remain united and believe in this project," said Nuno, who said before the match in Seville players "knew nothing" of what he had already spoken to the principals of the club about his future.

He acknowledged that "logically" is "sad" not to continue as coach, as "always" has "been closely identified with Valencia."

"We started here in Seville, was the first official match. We have achieved important objectives, we are in the Champions League and made the highest rating in history with 77 points. I am very proud and I hope I have contributed something to the players to improve their quality. I am grateful for every day I have been in Valencia has been a pride and an honor, "he said Nuno Espirito Santo.

On the 1-0 defeat at Sevilla, said it was "a disputed game, but has been conditioned by the expulsion (of gates) 35 minutes" because "up there, despite the control of Seville", his team was "really into the game."

"Then we struggled, but we never stopped fighting, even nine are still working, and no one gave up in the spirit that we won and that has made America great Valencia," he said.

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2015

Vardy make history in the Premier in five years

The fascinating story of Jamie Vardy , the player yesterday after scoring against Manchester United and chain marked eleven consecutive days, equaled the record of the legendary Ruud van Nistelrooy , he has captivated the country.

 This lanky, fast and with good shot, who with 14 goals is the top scorer of the championship, striker has entered the history books of the Premier League after only five years of playing in the seventh division (Northern Premier League Premier Division ).

History Vardy, 28, who was dismissed by his hometown team, the Sheffield Wednesday , with just 16 for his short stature, is a player who has never stopped fighting to achieve his dream to shine on Premier.

Following the 'no' of Wednesday came a tour of the lower divisions of English football that began in 2007, in the modest Stocksbridge Park Steels, earning 30 pounds a week (about 40 euros). To meet expenses, he found a part time job in a factory carbon fiber prosthesis.

A fight outside a bar when he came to the defense of a friend of his deaf, complicated even more the professional future of the front, since a judge forced him to wear an electronic bracelet and be every day at home before 18: 30.

However, thanks to his scoring the Stocksbridge and he managed to ascend, three seasons after his arrival, he won at age 23 a move to Halifax Town , the seventh team division, which invested around 20,000 euros for its services.

A year and after more than 30 goals was the Fleetwood Town , a fifth category, which was set at Vardy. He led the team to win the league title, and end of the year, with a record of 31 goals in 36 matches, signed for Leicester City, his current club.

The 'foxes', which at the time were playing in the Championship, English second division, paid a million pounds (1.5 million euros) for him, making him the country's most expensive amateur footballer.

His beginnings in Leicester were not easy, and in his first year only managed to score four goals. However, the confidence of the coach then, Nigel Pearson , was rewarded, and Vardy, with 16 goals in 37 league games, led his team to the Premier League in his second year.

After a first season to adapt to the pinnacle of English football striker, who turns 29 in January, it has emerged as one of the surprises of the course.

Now Vardy, who has dressed four times the shirt of England, has become fashionable footballer in the UK and the only player to have scored in eleven consecutive dates in the Premiership.

"I've always gone game by game. The record was not something I had in mind, because it would have affected my performance and the team, and that's the last thing I want. As I enter a field just think football. So I've been doing so far and so will continue" Vardy said Saturday after the match against United.

Teammates, coaches, analysts, fans and media have surrendered to the feat of a player that just five years ago was playing in seventh division.

"Congratulations, Vardy. You are the new number one and you deserve it," wrote Ruud van Nistelrooy, the former record holder, moments after seeing the English goal against United.

While Leicester fans sang happy yesterday the King Power Stadium in the already well-known song "Vardy, mark when he wants," praise and praise flooded websites and social networks.

His coach, Claudio Ranieri , and even the United coach Louis van Gaal, a man not given to praise, congratulated the scorer. "It's amazing and fantastic. He has got a great record, which is marking eleven consecutive games. There are not many players who can do that," said the Dutchman after 'suffer' a Vardy.

Leicester 1-1 Manchester United: bittersweet Party for Vardy

Jamie Vardy has gone down in history of the Premier League . England striker managed to score yesterday in the match Leicester City and was the eleventh consecutive day in which managed to score.

This record earned the attacker of foxes to break the record that until November 28 held Ruud Van Nistelrooy , who in his time at Manchester United by a goal chained ten games in a row.

Manchester United has not been able to win at the King Power Stadium before the great revelation of the Premier League as the Leicester City and had to settle for draw a point on the day Vardy made ​​history of English football.

The 'Red Devils' best left to duel eager to have the ball but the foxes were closed with expertise in your field waiting for an opportunity that eventually found in 24 with a pass into space Fuchs striker first nail into the net by David De Gea .

In both, the England striker became the English player who more consecutive days in England has linked marking surpassing a record of Ruud van Nistelrooy , a circumstance that became the surprise team tier at a party. After managing to get ahead, Ranieri's charges were grown and handcuffed completely about 'Red Devils' surprised by the punch of the foxes and did not generate almost no chance out in the first half.


However, Van Gaal's men allied with fortune and Schweinsteiger equalized with a controversial goal to head off a corner where he could make a previous lack his marker on the play.

With the 1-1, the United regained the lead in the second act but its disturbing lack of depth deprived of generating clear chances although Van Gaal added to his offensive potential substitute today Depay Memphis .

The domain was visiting but the clearest was the Leicester boots Ulloa but De Gea made a saving stop while Depay missed the clearest of United in the final and the score ended up reflecting a tie for the day Vardy - He entered history.

Casillas save a penalty and allows the Porto beat by the minimum at Tondela

A penalty saved by the Spanish Iker Casillas 82 minutes Saturday made ​​possible the victory of Oporto against bottom Tondela (0-1) in a match in which the Algerian Brahimi had outdone the "dragons" in 28 minutes.

On the eleventh day of the Liga Portuguesa, Oporto victory allowed the party which has a less-reach 24 points, two behind leader placed Sporting Lisbon, who will play on Monday against Belenenses .

Brahimi signed the only goal in a play in which the Algerian, after receiving the ball on the right, moved towards the center of the edge of the area and sent a cross shot that slipped into the goal.

The situation was complicated for Porto at 82, when Maicon made a penalty on the Venezuelan Murillo.

However, Casillas guessed the intentions of fellow Salva Chamorro and dived to the right to prevent Tondela goal, which remains bottom side after the defeat.

In the other matches today, Vitoria Setubal equalized in the last minute their home game against União Madeira (2-2), allowing you to stay in sixth place.

Setubal both goals were scored by the Congolese Issoko, while for maderienses Brazilian Danilo Dias scored and Amilton.

For its part, the Boavista fell in their stadium against Vitória Guimarães by 1-2 in a match that marked the Brazilian Douglas Abner for locals, while fellow Brazilian and Portuguese Henrique Dourado Cafu signed so many of Guimarães.

 With the loss, the Boavista figure in fourteenth place, while Guimaraes climbed to eleventh place.

Brazil thrashed Spain and access to the final of the Women's World Futsal

The women's team Futsal Brazil ended Spain's dream of winning the World Title VI category played in the Guatemala 4-0 in the semifinals.

With today's victory, the Brazilian is ready for the final, this Sunday, with the team that is winning later than the other semi-final will face to face with Russian and Portuguese.

In Spain it is the challenge of tomorrow fight for third place with another selection resulting loser.

The offensive power of Brazilian may have left more differences in the final result had not been for the reflexes of goalkeeper Vanessa Red Barber.

At 6 minutes Vanessa Pereira took advantage of a mistake by the Spanish defense to secure the 1-0. From there the Brazilian took control of the match but could not infringe the goal of Barbera, at least until the second half.

Although Spain went all out and during the first five minutes of the second half put his opponent on the ropes, lacked accuracy and also emerged as the caretaker Giga figure, as his colleague Barbera showed cat-like reflexes.

A left Valeria Schmidt made the 2-0.

Spain turned over the last five minutes and used the extreme measure of adding to their goalkeeper to attack.

Three minutes from time Caroline da Silva outlined the scoring on a long ball and the goal of Spain empty, Juliana Delgado scored the fourth and final goal. Much difference to a party that was more balanced.

At the end of the party, Giga said the game "was very complicated" because Spain has a "very tight defense."

Juliana Delgado admitted that the final result "does not reflect" the future of the party.

 Brazil, which has not lost a final since the world began play in 2010.

The Japanese government asked Tokyo to pay a quarter of the Olympic Stadium

Zaha Hadid
The Japanese government will assume half the cost of the Olympic stadium for the 2020 Games in Tokyo and wants the city council of the capital contribution a quarter of the budget, amounting to 1,190 million dollars, reported today the public broadcaster NHK.

Strong criticism over its excessive cost led the Japanese executive last August to scrap the original project, designed by architect Zaha Hadid, and reduce the budget of the new stadium nearly half, to 155,000 million yen ($ 1,190 million ).

Construction costs, redesigning and demolition of the previous stage, where the new Olympic venue for 2020 Games will sit, will total 160.000 billion yen (1,230 million euros), according to the Executive encryption.

Of these, the central government will provide 80,000 million yen (615 million euros) and intended contribution Tokyo city a total of 40,000 billion yen (307 million dollars).

The Curta remaining part will be financed through lottery and sports pools.

Tokyo authorities initially refused to take over part of the cost of the original design of the stadium for being "excessive", sparking controversy and subsequent decision of the Executive.

The authorities of the central government and the prefecture of Tokyo have been negotiating how splitting the cost, according to NHK.

In this regard, the Minister responsible for Toshiaki Endo Olympics, will meet next week with the governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, in order to get the input.

The Executive is now open the call to submit new designs for the Olympic stadium, after discarding the original project due to its excessive cost soared to 252,000 million yen (1,837 million euros).

 The capacity of the new stadium was also reduced to 68,000 seats, 80,000 under the huge project of Zaha Hadid.

How, when and why disconnections that cause so much damage to occur Benitez?

Real Madrid significantly improved its image for 70 minutes against Shakhtar and showed his true potential, but returned to disconnect and highlight all faults and lack of attitude that condemned him in the Classic and Rafa Benitez have put in despair. Against Eibar, new test.

Assuming that victory in Champions League against PSG (1-0) and defeat in the Classic against Barcelona have long been the worst games of Real Madrid this season, in another series of meetings where they were obtained not always bad results, Rafa Benitez's team already showed all the bad symptoms that occurred in the 0-4 last Saturday and in the final quarter hour in Lyiv against Shakhtar. On the horizon the Eibar , a rocky team and good touchstone to know if they can avoid another shutdown.

Those moments where the Real Madrid 'turns off' ranging from the lack of scoring it impossible to close out games, without backlash, especially a worrying defensive frailties in the air ball in the set pieces and a lack of pressure in midfield that makes grown rivals.

The 'disconnection' of Real Madrid Rafa Benitez

Round 5 of the season, Athletic Club-Real Madrid. Step back only to be dominated in San Mamés Real Madrid he went ahead on the scoreboard and the points of Bilbao was, but dispensed with the backlash to end the game. That allowed Valverde to rise above their audience base and push came to close the gap on the scoreboard. Keylor conceded their first goal and ran out unbeaten record, but white finished asking the time.

Day 6 Liga, Real Madrid-Málaga: Many haste and lack of tension in the dying minutes looking for the goal. The bottom side now League visited the Bernabeu and gave the stroke, because Benitez had no success in front of goal and because in the last 15-20 minutes of the game they turned the usual siege that often occurs in these situations in a series of attacks with little discretion and desperate, so desperate that only clear scoring situations were taken.

Week 7 League, Atletico-Real Madrid. By trying to keep the result, draw Atletico Real Madrid went ahead with a great goal from Karim Benzema and, at other times so far this season, controlled the ball and arranged more than one occasion. But as the party passed the ball gave space to his rival. Even with Rafa Benitez changes were criticized, although the tie came at the hands of a child penalty committed by Sergio Ramos .

Round 10 of Liga, Real Madrid- Las Palmas . No voltage set pieces embedded Whites their first league goal at home, received Kiko Casilla and no Keylor Navas. Rafa Benitez claimed not defend well that corner was a "power loss", but although it 3-1 before the break came in the second half the team was not able to continue to create good scoring situations, which gave wings to Las Palmas.

Round 11 of Liga, Sevilla-Real Madrid:. Physical and moral unprecedented Bajón Marco Ramos to open the scoring and Fernando Llorente , author of 3-1 recounted said well what happened after the match: "In Madrid I have been very emotionally evil". Two goals conceded in air balls and helplessness until minute 90. Without those late starts the attack.

Round 5 Champions League , Shakhtar-Real Madrid: A quarter of unexplained hour. In less than fifteen minutes a stupid penalty conceded a goal from a corner and a third leaving their opponents give up three passes in the area and with a static defense. As if it were a compilation of these 'disconnections'.