vineri, 17 iulie 2015

Preliminariile cupelor europene pentru casele de pariuri

Gata s-a incheiat si prima mansa din turul 2 al preliminariilor Champions League si Europa League. Aducatoare de bani in visteria caselor de pariuri! 

Chiar asa, Ludogoretul lui Moti, care se batea cu Liverpool a pierdut acasa cu campioana Moldovei, cvasi-necunoscutii de la Milasmi Orhei. Pana si Dinamo Zagreb a dezamagit, doar egal, tot acasa, cu luxemburghezii de la Fola Esch. Oricum cred ca "2" solist in partidele retur se prevede clar. Cam cum a fost cu FC Botosani in primul tur. Tare mi-e frica sa nu fie "2" solist acum si in partida de la Botosani, cu Legia Varsovia.

Semi dezamagiri, dar au tinut pariul de "1" solist au fost si Partizan Belgrad, cu Dila Gori, ai Bate Borisov, cu Dundalk. Greu, dar nu imposibil "2" si in aceste partide retur.

In Europa League, placuta a fost victoria Astrei Giurgiu in Scotia, indiferent cat contesta golul Inverness. Solistii clari, conform site-urilor specializate au fost Rosenborg la Reykjavik si Kairat Almaty, acasa cu Alashkert FC. Ambele au obtinut victorii! Pentru pariorii cu experienta, FC Koebenhavn, Slovan Bratislava si Apollon Limassol si-au respectat blazonul si au obtinut victoriile scontate!

Surprind reprezentante din Bulgaria si Croatia, tari care isi fac griji, daca vor mai avea reprezentante in turul urmator. Din Bulgaria, pe langa surpriza Ludogoretului, Mlada Boleslav a fost invinsa acasa de Stroemsgodset, la fel si Beroe a fost invinsa acasa de Brondby! Pentru Croatia, Dinamo Zagreb tocmai v-am spus ce a facut, iar Hajduk Split a pierdut la Koper!

Daca la surprizele de mai sus adaugam si unele rezultate din turneul final CONCACAF, adica egalurile Mexicului cu Trinidad and Tobago (4-4) si Guatemala (0-0) si egalul USA, 0-0, cu Panama, a fost o vara grea pentru pariori. Nu vreau sa-mi aduc aminte de turneul final America Sud cu surprizele Brazilia, Columbia, Argentina, 

TOP 5 Hottest German Female Footballers

Germany is the only country to have won both the men’s and women’s World Cups. Currently both men and women German football teams are world champions. Here are the five German hottest female footballers.

1. Selina Wagner

Selina’s parents liked to take their little daughter to the football pitch, where she started playing at age 3 in her hometown St. Wendel. Since June 2015 Selina is playing for FC Freiburg, the league rival of her former club VfL Wolfsburg, where she also had her training as an office administrative. The now 24 year old also appeared almost completely naked in the July issue 2011 of Playboy magazine. In the special, 6 (also Julia Simic, see point 3) female German soccer players got photographed within the framework of the Fifa Women’s World Cup in 2011.

2. Lena Petermann

The 21 year old Lena is currently playing for the FC Freiburg club and since March 2015 also for the German National female soccer team in the Fifa Women’s World Cup in Canada. Even though the 5’7 beauty still seems very shy during press conferences and wasn’t always a successful player in the past, some see a lot of potential in her. Lena is not only a good soccer, but also very intelligent. She is studying English and Sport in Freiburg to become a teacher.

3. Julia Simic

Since January 2015, Julia is playing for the club VfL Wolfsburg. One of two similarities she has with our Number 1, Selina Wagner, who also played several years in this club. The other one is the Playboy magazine photoshoot they had together in 2011 (see point 1). Julia started soccer at age 6 in the boys team. After a cruciate ligament rupture during training for the National soccer team in 2011 and a second ligament rupture in 2012, she had her comeback in 2013 with the 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam. Her doll-like look brought her 3th place in our list.

4. Jennifer Cramer

The 22 year old Jennifer Cramer is not only working on her soccer career in 1.FCC Turbine Potsdam, but also wants to become a police inspector for which she is studying at the border police in Potsdam. “It was my childhood dream to become a police office. I like the challenge”, she once said in an interview on ARD (German TV channel). For all of you, who also think that Jennifer is so beautiful that there should be a double, will be very happy after hearing that she also a twin sister called Laura. Besides soccer and her studies, her biggest dream is travelling around the world. As Jennifer is also playing for the National soccer team in the Fifa Women’s World Cup in Canada, this should not be a problem anymore.

5. Melanie Leupolz

“Melli’s” idol is the famous soccer and World Cup winner Bastian Schweinsteiger. According to her, she can’t live without family, friends and soccer (Interview FC Bayern Frauenfußball). That’s maybe also the reason why Melanie attended a special school, which integrates soccer plus school and which she left with an A-grade. In the last preliminary round, the FC Bayern München-soccer girl, made the 1:0 against Thailand.

joi, 16 iulie 2015

E gata Manchester United de start? Cu Schweinsteiger cu tot?

S-au terminat aproape toate vacantele fotbalistilor care joaca in Europa! Poate au mai ramas cativa rataciti care joaca in Spania, al carei campionat incepe mai tarziu...

La Manchester United a fost o vara agitata! Mda, suntem la jumatatea calendaristica a verii si deja folosim "a fost", adica trecutul! 

Van Gaal nu mai poate livra aceleasi rezultate ca anul trecut. Conducerea, dar ales suporterii, nu mai au timp de mediocritate. Pentru ca orice altceva in afara de castigarea campionatului si a Ligii Campionilor inseamna mediocritate pentru United! Primul sezon a fost de acomodare, acum e nevoie de rezultate, de confirmare! Olandezul trebuie sa livreze rezultate, altfel va fi demis!

Bastian Schweinsteiger este marea surpriza oferita de Van Gaal. Sunt mai multe motive: Varsta lui, pretul platit, peste 50 de milioane de euro pentru un jucator cu aceasta varsta, cum de Bayern Munchen i-a dat drumul avand in vedere ca era unul din simbolurile echipei, si altele. Blondul a vrut sa fie alaturi de noua iubire, Ana Ivanovic, tenismena din Croatia, pentru care si-a parasit prietena nemtoaica.

Un lucru e clar, Manchester United, nu avea "batrani" in echipa, cu exceptia lui Carrick care are acum 33 de ani. Iar lui Van gaal exact asta ii lipsea: un jucator cu experienta care sa stie cand sa controleze jocul. In plus, pe langa experienta, a adus si personalitate si "rautate in joc". Matthias Sammer spunea despre Schweini ca e imposibil de inlocuit ca personalitate la Bayern. Cat despre "rautatea in joc" in sensul bun, a lui Bastian nu mai trebuie sa discutam.

Van Gaal a acoperit "gaurile" prin transferurile din aceasta vara! Manchester United va fi un adversalr dificil in aceasta editie de campionat, cel putin prin prisma transferurilor si al celui de-al doilea an al lui Van Gaal. Vom avea un Premier League pe cinste! ;)

Cat despre Schweinsteiger sa recunoastem ca nu mai intra in vederile lui Pep Guardiola la Bayern Munchen! Si pentru Pep este al doilea an la Bayern. Vom avea si un Champions league pe cinste! ;)

Simona Halep isi schimba (din nou) antrenorul

Gata, dupa esecul de la Wimbledon, Simona Halep l-a dat afara si pe Daniel Dobre, tehnicianul care l-a inlocuit pe Victor Ionita, chiar inainte de acest turneu!

Moda demiterii de antrenori a cuprins-o si pe Simona Halep, cam la fel cum se intampla in campionatul nostru.

Darren Cahill, un australian cu care Simona deja lucreaza in cadrul programului Adidas - Player Development - va fi de acum singurul antrenor al Simonei.

Ce va fi cu acest nou antrenor vom vedea in trei turnee americane la care Simona Halep a ales deja sa participe.

10-16 august: Rogers Cup (teren hard, 2.51 milioane de dolari premii totale) ;

17-23 august: Cincinnati (teren hard, 2.51 milioane de dolari premii totale) ;

31 august - 7 septembrie: US Open (teren hard, 11.5 milioane de dolari premii totale).

Ana Konjuh - New girl on WTA

Born in Dubrovnik in Croatia, Ana Konjuh, who will soon play Indian Wells qualifying, has very nicely taken some of her precious time to answer some questions for this blog. Breaking into the top 100 in 2014, Ana Konjuh is for sure one of the most promising and talented player of the WTA tour. If she is currently the youngest player of the top 100, her young age (17) is not always an advantage, as she explains it in this interview where she also talk about her famous tattoo, her game and her admiration for Roger Federer… So don’t waste a single minute and let’s get to know Ana Konjuh, a star in the making !
First of all, how did you get into tennis ?
My older sister played tennis and I was going with her on practices. At first, I was just having fun collecting balls. But after a while I fell in love with tennis, and then I started practicing for myself.

How would you describe your playing style, what are your strengths, and which compartment(s) of your game do you think you still need to improve the most ?
I am an offensive player, so I like to be the  »boss » on the court. My backhand is pretty good and my serve too. But I need to improve on everything, I am still young and I have time to experience all kinds of different things.

What are your goals at present ?
This year I would like to finish in the top 50. And for the future, we will see :)

What can you say about your left wrist tattoo that reads “Faith”… What does it mean to you ?
Yea, I got it after I won the Australian Open in 2013, it means a lot to me. Not just to have faith in myself, but also in God, my family, my friends… I think faith is what keeps you going.

If I’m right you are a huge fan of Roger Federer… What do you admire about him ? And is it true that you don‘t want to talk to him before you win something big ?
Haha yes I am ! A huge one ! I admire everything about him haha , he is the God of tennis if you ask me. And yes that‘s true, when I will have make a name for myself, that‘s when we will talk haha !

Iva Majoli recently said « she has that something that champions have » speaking about you… It’s a big compliment. I heard that you and your Fed Cup captain are very close… It should give you a lot of confidence to be supported by such a champion like her ?
Yes it is, I am really glad to have her by my side, we get along pretty good and It means a lot to hear something like that from such a champion.

What do you think of the International Tennis Federation’s age eligibility rule ? I mean isn’t it a problem for a young player like you who wants and needs to gain experience and points ?
I think it is a problem, especially if you want to play tournaments and experience all those things on the tour. But instead of it, you are limited and you have to much time to practice whereas in that time you would need to play matches and gain points.

What are your favourite surface, tournament and city ?
My favourite surface is grass, my favourite tournament is Wimbledon and my favourite city is New York !

What do you like to do to relax in your spare time ?
I like listening to music and watching movies, and mostly I just hang out with my friends.

And to finish, if you could asked three wishes to the Genie, what would they be ?
I wish I could go to space.
Win a grand slam.
And be happy.

If you want to follow the latest news about Ana Konjuh here is her official website.
You can also support her via her official Facebook and / or Twitter accounts.
Credit photos : @anakonjuh