marți, 1 decembrie 2015

Real Madrid concerned about the continuous trips of Cristiano Ronaldo

The Portuguese made repeat visits during the week to Morocco, leaving Madrid at three in the afternoon and returning in the evening.

A couple of weeks ago Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo showed us in social networks its luxurious whim: a private jet for which he paid 19 million euros and since then has parked at the airbase of Torrejon de Ardoz, not away from the Ciudad Deportiva de Valdebebas.

The first trip he took with him was the premiere of his own documentary that took place in London on November 10. Now, according to point in , the ship is becoming a headache for Real Madrid.

As noted by the digital medium, Ronaldo makes use of the Gulfstream G200 almost daily basis, using the afternoon they have no training or game to travel to Morocco, where his friend Badr Hari, a renowned Amsterdam-born kickboxer who won praise lives and the king's favour Mohhamed VI of Morocco for its achievements in the martial art under the banner of the African country.

The jet can reach a speed of 869 km / h, allowing you to make the Madrid - Rabat tour in less than two hours.

Taking six points behind Barcelona in La Liga, having recently been humiliated by the rival, weathering constant questions about the bad relationship between the coach and certain members of staff, not to forget the disappointment of the fans before the game offered by the team, you really do not have anything more important the Real Madrid to worry that by making one of his players at your leisure without breaking the internal rules of the club? Maybe if scorer Cristiano Ronaldo off and the meringues were at the top of the table this kind of news does not come to light.

Faustino Asprilla: I want to be manager

Brilliant, eccentric and funny. Controversial, concise and transparent. 

So Faustino Asprilla, one of the best players in the world of '90s As usual, "Tino" held nothing back and left little to the imagination of readers of Yahoo Sports. 

 Faustino, How is his life and where he is? I'm fine, I live in Tulua - Valle del Cauca, Colombia am based here in my land for years. I am dedicated to various businesses, mainly with my land. Newest thing I have is the brand of condoms that will take, TINO name. They are almost ready, missing some adjustments and introduce to the market soon. 

- After being a footballer we have seen in several aspects, such as participating in reality shows, as a commentator and even model. Have you ever imagined about it or have been a twist of fate? He has always liked to improvise, learn, try new things. The experience that I liked was to work as a commentator on the world happened because one lives very nice experience when he gets in that role; before that one believes that journalists just sit to talk, to watch the game and ready, but it is not like that. It is a job that requires a lot of organization, preparation and time consuming; while we burn only time players concentration on technical talk and 90 minutes of the game, you journalists are before and after every tournament and every match, generating it quite exhausting profession where, as I said before, the players believe they are just sitting and talking already. Provided many hours of commitment that leads him, but the truth is that I loved and I would love to repeat it. 

- Why not continued to work with football? I think there is much one go from being played football player a coach is a complicated and different stage, are very different. One must have patience and above all not to be compared with players who are heading. For example, I myself made ​​that mistake with the smaller divisions I had here in Tulua, because he sought to return the boys like me and you can not pretend that because all players are different; I despaired lot and told them to many: "Do this because I did and you can too," and it is not, as I said before each player is different. To me it has cost me greatly to section off-court player to be coach beyond. I also believe that a technician must have driving skills group, motivating and even a tiny role of psychologist, because we handle athletes is easy and sometimes it takes patience, know about taking situations and endure many things that happen.

luni, 30 noiembrie 2015

Moscow discourages Turkish Russian clubs to sign players

The Russian sports minister, Vitaly Mutko, discouraged the Russians Turkish sports clubs to sign players and did not rule out that economic measures against Turkey Moscow include a ban of that kind.
"If anyone intends (to bring a Turkish athlete) during the winter transfer window, I'm sure you will not have that chance. I'm not going to pass, but the signal is clear," Mutko sanctions said, referring economic decreed against Turkey on Saturday by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Among other measures, that will materialize today, approved by Moscow in retaliation for the shooting down of a Russian bomber Su-24 at the Turkish-Syrian border, Putin banned Russian employers who are not authorized by the government to hire Turkish citizens from next January 1.
Vitaly Mutko, in any case recommended that clubs do not consider the signing of Turkish players.
The minister, however, described as "excellent person" Turkish international Gökdeniz Karadeniz player for eight seasons of Rubin Kazan.
"Karadeniz is at heart a Russian guy, a great person. If all (the Turks) were like him, would be great," he said.
At the same time, Vitaly Mutko said that economic sanctions will not affect Turkish subcontracts currently working on the construction of stadiums where World Cup matches will be played in Russia 2018.
"Some projects may it be Turkish subcontractors. If you have contracts, they will continue working," he said.
Presidential Decree establishes prohibitions or restrictions on Turkish companies to do certain jobs and provide services in the territory of Russia, according to a list that will draw up the Cabinet Ministers.

Concurs Stanleybet 2015 in agentii la aparatele Megajackpot

Promotia a inceput luna trecuta si se termina la anul! :) Stanleybet te invita sa sarbatoresti impreuna cu ei 5 ani de Megajackpot in Romania printr-o Mega Tombola.
Trebuie sa mergi in perioada 26 Octombrie 2015 – 17 Ianuarie 2016 in agentiile Stanleybet, sa joci la aparatele Megajackpot, sa castigi nivelul Grand al jackpotului si poti fi chiar tu castigatorul unuia din premiile de mai jos

  • Marele Premiu – Renault Captur
  • Premiul 2: 5000 lei
  • Premiul 3: 4000 lei
  • Premiul 2: 3000 lei
  • Premiul 1: 2000 lei.

Ai castigat nivelul Grand al jackpotului atunci mergi la ghiseu iar noi te inscriem automat in cursa pentru unul din premiile de mai sus. Dupa inregistrare iti vom valida inscrierea iar tu vei primi confirmarea prin SMS, continand totodata si un COD UNIC. Pastreaza codul unic pentru extragere!

Pentru detalii consulta regulametul campaniei disponibil aici!

Extragerea va avea loc in perioada 18-20 Ianuarie 2016.

Concurs Amigo 2015 pe

Concurs AMIGO 2015 "Premii direct in cutie" se desfasoara in perioada 01 Noiembrie 2015 - 31 Ianuarie 2016.

Amigo este alaturi de cei care nu au timp de promotii, dar dupa premiile puse in joc am putea spune ca este un concurs pentru saraci, de la saraci! Oare asa de sarac a ajuns Distribuitorul Amigo din Romania? De reclama, nu am mai vazut o reclama de ceva vreme la "Instant Coffee - AMIGO", dar chiar concursul asta cu bonuri de masa sau bonuri cadou de la Sodexo? Noroc ca nu mai exista bilete de tramvai sau RATB, ca probabil asta ar fi fost urmatorul concurs AMIGO - castiga bilete RATB cu una, doua sau cinci calatorii! castiga un bilet cu cinci calatorii RATB incluse ar fi fost premiul cel mare! :)

In perioada 1 noiembrie 2015 - 31 ianuarie 2016 castigi premii in valoare de 50, 20 sau 10 lei, direct in cutie.  Cauta in magazine produsele Amigo cu eticheta promotionala in variantele 50g, 100g, 200g si 300g. 

Campania se adreseaza persoanelor fizice cu domiciliu sau rezidenta in Romania care au implinit  varsta de 18 ani, pana la startul concursului.

Produse participante.
  • Amigo de 50 grame.
  • Amigo de 100 grame.
  • Amigo de 200 grame.
  • Amigo de 300 grame.
Mecanismul de desfasurare.
In perioada 01 Noiembrie 2015 - 31 Ianuarie 2016 achizitioneaza cel putin un produs AMIGO participant la Campanie si cauta in interiorul cutiei.

Premii instant.
  • 29.300 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 10 lei fiecare.
  • 400 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 20 lei fiecare.
  • 200 x Tichet cadou in valoare de 50 lei fiecare.

Regulamentul si alte detalii pe

Concurs F64 - Fotografiaza Romaneste

Un nou concurs pentru pasionatii de fotografie de la F64 - cel mai mare magazin pentru fotografii din Romania, care in ultima perioada si-a cam dezamagit clientii! 

Ce trebuie sa faci? Sa trimiti maxim 3 fotografii despre tradiții sau obiceiuri și locurilor reprezentative pentru România și poți câștiga unul dintre cele 3 super premii puse în joc de F64 și Sony.

Concursul se desfasoara in perioada 27.noiembrie.2015 - 20.decembrie.2015. Asadar a inceput de trei zile si deja pe site sunt uploadate 134 de fotografii. Daca punem la socoteala ca primele, probabil 30 de fotografii, apartin lui F64 pentru a-si ridica un pic cota concursului, oricum avem o medie putin peste 35 de fotografii pe zi!

Imagini le asteptate sunt cele având ca tematică promovarea valorilor naturii, a culturii și tradițiilor românești. Imaginile trimise trebuie să aibă latura mare de 1024 pixeli. Acestea vor fi în format JPEG, cu exif, fără semnătură, dată sau alte însemne pe ele.

Prin jurizare vor fi acordate următoarele premii:

  • Premiul I: un aparat foto Mirrorless Sony Alpha A5100 cu obiectiv de kit 16-50 mm;
  • Premiul II: o camera video sport Sony Action Cam FDR-X1000V-4K;
  • Premiul III: un aparat foto tip bridge Sony HX300;

Perioada de desfasurare concurs asa cum am spus mai sus: 27 noiembrie – 20 decembrie 2015. Jurizarea se vaface pe 21 decembrie, iar pe 22 decembrie va fi anuntat castigatorul!

Participa la acest concurs si nu uita inainte sa citesti regulamentul concursului!