luni, 18 august 2014

Victor Ponta aduna Like-uri cu imaginea Simonei Halep

Cel care administreaza pagina lui Victor Ponta s-a gandit la o inselaciune, ca sa faca rost de like-uri mai repede! A pus poza Simonei Halep deasupra butonului Like! Asa ca daca apeși butonul “Îmi place pagina”, dai like de fapt la pagina lui Victor Ponta, nu la pagina Simonei Halep. Săraca tenismena Simona cred că nici nu știe că numele și imaginea ei sunt folosite la așa ceva.


duminică, 13 iulie 2014

sâmbătă, 12 iulie 2014

vineri, 11 iulie 2014

Irina Shayk For Maxim USA July, August 2014

Fabulous Russian model comes in even more fabulous issue for For Maxim USA July, August 2014, photographed by Russell James. This is just one more in a row amazing edition's from ultimate girl Irina Shayk in which besides her dashing photos you can also get to know more about her. What I liked the most is her saying "I am not a size 0! Thank God! Because that’s how I got my West Village apartment.", trust me Irina we are also happy that you are not size 0, about whose curves would we be crazy about then? :)

On haters: “I don’t care about people’s opinions, and neither does [boyfriend] Cristiano [Ronaldo]. Some people like you; some people hate you. You have to be strong.”

On acting: “Every time I get a script, it’s, like, bartender…stripper… And I don’t think I would make a bad bartender or stripper, you know? But Greek mythology! Irina is a Greek name, so I think: Maybe it’s destiny?”

On modeling: “For me, it’s business, not a hobby, like, ‘Oh, I got $20,000 and I’m going to spend it on shoes!’ What’s the part I enjoy the most? The financial part. The independence.”

Keep Being Provocative.

Simona Halep with her parents!

Simona Halep with parents!