Barcelona today announced that their fans will not travel with the first team on the move, a decision which, according to the azulgrana organization is intended to take another step in " professionalization "of the club.
This was confirmed by the vice president of social area Jordi Cardoner, who has argued that the objective is to promote "the environment of the first team before the competition is in good conditions".
This decision comes after a few months ago the club also banned reporters to share aircraft with the first team in games played away from Camp Nou.
"We understand it's for the club, for the good of the team and we enter normal," has defended Cardoner, who has said that this decision "will have no economic impact" or for the club and for the fans who want to witness in Barcelona live match away from Camp Nou.
In addition, according to the club, this option will allow more time flexibility compared to the one it had when the fans and the press were traveling on the same plane.
Cardoner has released this new appearance in a press which has balanced the course 2016-17 the social area.
In the event, it has been reported that in the first league match against Betis and will be operational space animation to be located in the north goal of the Camp Nou with a capacity of 1,246 seats for five groups of animation: Alomgàvers, Nostra Ensenya , Creu de Sant Jordi, Supporters club and Supporters Puyol.
Not be represented in this space five groups, including the Boixos it Nois, which have not been approved by the Catalan police.
This space, which has already been implemented in stages as the Real Madrid , will be subject to the current rules of the League which requires, among other requirements, identification systems via fingerprint and groups of animation are properly constituted as a partnership.
Also, Cardoner also wanted to highlight that for the sixth consecutive season Barcelona has only applied the CPI increase in the price of fertilizers Camp Nou, a freeze that the club intends to keep until at least 2021.
In this regard, he stressed that the Camp Nou fertilizers are the cheapest European football and has defended the club's policy to maintain this pricing "popular".
To prove it, the Catalan club itself has released a comparison with the subscription price of Real Madrid. Thus, the most expensive season pass at the Santiago Bernabeu rises to 2,384 euros, while the Camp Nou is 1,097 euros.
A trend that is also in the cheaper seats. Thus, the price of season tickets Camp Nou most affordable costs 132 euros, 323 euros for the Santiago Bernabeu.
Finally, Barcelona has facilitated the current membership figure, which reaches 143,459, of which 26.4% are women, while 20% are under 15 years.