joi, 8 octombrie 2015

8 things every personal trainer knows (and you should also know) - part 2

5. In the recipe for success, the fun is an essential ingredient

 Generally, coaches have a reputation for taking too heavy with students. In these extreme efforts are unnecessary for weight loss, may also be physiologically and psychologically counterproductive. If you do not like to exercise, may end up finding frequent excuses to avoid doing so, says Mike Robinson of MZR Fitness, recognized as the personal trainer of the year in 2015 by specialized American associations.

Many pastimes fun, such as gardening, walking or dancing are also good physical activities. Incorporate them into your workout can make you want to exercise, which leads you to lose more weight with less effort. "Many people think that exercise need to be very painful and complicated to produce results," says Clayton. "In fact, improving your body is consistency and balance, not extreme stress."

6. Everything you do in the rest of the day also has

Second Blakely, you need to keep an eye on the time you spend outside the gym to get results. As much as you think otherwise, move during a meeting at work or move your fingers to the beat of a song can make a big difference. A study published in the journal Science found that small daily physical activity can burn up to 350 calories per day.

The scientific term for this phenomenon is 'thermogenesis without physical activity'. This describes the calories you burn naturally during the day. Then, follow advice to park in a far more vague and use the stairs instead of the elevator is extremely beneficial for your body.

7. Weight loss is not much more difficult than continuing overweight

Of course you will have enough work to achieve your weight loss goals. But imagine all the energy you spend now wishing she had a better body and worrying about not having strength to improve. Every coach knows that the real secret to changing your body is divert attention from the possibility of failure. "You need to choose where you will put your energy," says Robinson. "Commit your mind with your weight loss goals is crucial to get results."

8. Losing weight is not her real goal

Often, people start exercising because they are dissatisfied with what they see in the mirror. A good personal trainer will think much beyond that. According Blakely, people should ask themselves the real reason behind the desire to work out and discover his true motivation.

See the experience of Blakely: "As we know more customers, I find that it does not go on vacation with friends because he knows he can not go hiking or tours as comfortably as you like. Or it is not as spontaneous as you like, because you know that your physical is under construction and it is disheartening to know that there is some way to go to get anywhere, "she says.

Explaining the high-level objectives - even record them and paste in the mirror or the refrigerator - can give you the motivation to continue with its plan in the face of temptation, says Hagendorf. Also, it can detect the often progress, even before you start to see great aesthetic or weight changes. "The feeling is the fuel," Blakely likes to say. If you notice that you are not as tired, breathless or afraid of new challenges, you know you're on the right track, no matter what the scale says.

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