Echipa lui Gigi Becali ar trebui sa incaseze peste 2,5 milioane de euro pe an numai de la principalii trei sponsori, insa sumele reale sunt mult mai mici.
Potrivit unor documente oficiale transmise de FCSB companiilor interesate sa sponsorizeze echipa si obtinute de cei de la ProSport, sumele solicitate de vicecampioana sunt uriase.
Sponsorul principal, cel cu logo-ul trecut pe fata tricourilor, ar trebui sa achite doua milioane de euro pe an plus TVA. Sponsorul secundar, cu logo-ul pe spatele tricourilor, deasupra numarului jucatorilor, ar trebui sa plateasca 500 de mii de euro plus TVA pe an, iar cel de-al treilea sponsor, cu logo-ul pe maneca tricourilor, ar trebui sa achite 150 de mii de euro.
In realitate, FCSB este foarte departe de cei 2,65 milioane de euro solicitate prin aceste documente oficiale.
Dupa cum a marturisit recent Gigi Becali, in momentul de fata sponsorul principal al echipei achita 600 de mii de euro pe an, iar urmatorul contract nu va atinge nici el sumele dorite.
"Negociez cu un sponsor. Mi-au spus oamenii ca imi dau 1,5 milioane de euro pe an. Cand eram Steaua, luam doar 600.000 de euro. Acum, ca sunt FCSB, iau 1,5 milioane de euro", a explicat recent Becali.
Comparativ, in 1997, atunci cand Steaua apartinea de Clubul Sportiv al Armatei, echipa primea peste un milion de dolari pe an din partea a doi sponsori.
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Se afișează postările cu eticheta FCSB. Afișați toate postările
marți, 21 februarie 2017
marți, 19 iulie 2016
Reghecampf angry a top player from Steaua: Let him go, bring someone else
Laurentiu Reghecampf expressed his frustration that the midfielder Algerian Jugurtha Hamrouni said he wants to leave the Star .
After learning this, Reghecampf said he can not work with such a player, because of the risk to invent injuries or not give everything out on the field. "do not stand at the stadium to make police, I feel like telling me that I did not go. I don't agreed to go Chipciu and Varela and everyone who made good deals. I have nothing to do when we have players unhappy. Tomorrow comes and tells me that it hurts your back, as it hurts knee. what do you beat him? I like. I players who will sit at Steaua. If they have good deals, go and bring in their place even players that want to play here, " said Reghecampf to Digi Sport.
After learning this, Reghecampf said he can not work with such a player, because of the risk to invent injuries or not give everything out on the field. "do not stand at the stadium to make police, I feel like telling me that I did not go. I don't agreed to go Chipciu and Varela and everyone who made good deals. I have nothing to do when we have players unhappy. Tomorrow comes and tells me that it hurts your back, as it hurts knee. what do you beat him? I like. I players who will sit at Steaua. If they have good deals, go and bring in their place even players that want to play here, " said Reghecampf to Digi Sport.
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