miercuri, 29 iulie 2015

Concurs online "Ciuc Radler sustine Romania Activa"

Poti castiga 5 biciclete BTWIN MTB Rockrider 340 verde sau alte premii puse in joc la concursul prilejuit de noua campanie „Sustine Initiativa Ciuc Natur Radler® Romania Activa”. Durata concursului: 13 Iulie 2015 - 18 August 2015 online, pe site-ul organizatorului. Castigatorii se vor desemna prin tragere la sorti.

Cum poti participa la concurs?
Trebuie sa urmezi urmatorii pasi de mai jos:

1) Trebuie sa intri in contul personal de Facebook si sa devinii fan Ciuc Premium.

2) Trebuie sa accesezi aplicatia de pe Facebook Ciuc Premium si sa completezi formularul de concurs cu toate datele cerute.

3) Ultimul pas pe care trebuie sa il faci este sa incarci la alegere o poza cu un traseu realizat cu GPS-ul intr-o aplicatie cu GPS integrat sau un link catre un video in care sustine initiativa sau un text de sustinere.

5 x bicicleta BTWIN MTB Rockrider 340 verde
4 x experienta constand in locuri de participare pe traseul sub forma de lamaie „Ciuc Natur Radler Romania Activa”
Mai multe detalii despre concurs si regulament puteti gasi pe site-ul organizatorului, www.ciucpremium.ro

Concurs 2015 Holsten Pilsner online pe www.holstenpilsner.ro

O noua campanie Holsten Pilsner:  campania “Daca ai Holsten Pilsner acasa, cavalerii te premiaza” care desfasoara in perioada 15 iulie 2015 - 30 septembrie 2015, iar marele premiu, unul din cele trei Dacia Logan.

Ce produse participa la concurs: 
Holsten Pilsner doza 0.5l 
Holsten Pilsner pachet 6 doze 0.5L 
Holsten Pilsner Sticla 0.5l 
Holsten Pilsner PET 2.5l

Cum participi la concurs?
Ca sa participi la concursul organizat de Holsten Pilsner, trebuie sa achizitionezi cel putin o sticla de 2 L de Holsten Pilsner in perioada promotiei.
Participantul trebuie sa trimita Numele si Adresa la care poate fi gasit in intervalul 19:00 – 21:00 in perioada 15 iulie 2015 - 30 septembrie 2015 prin SMS la numarul 1843 (tarif normal valabil in retelele Orange / Vodafone / Telekom) sau pe www.holstenpilsner.ro.
Pentru fiecare SMS trimis pana la 15 iulie 2015, indiferent de cate mesaje trimite, participantului i se trimite un mesaj cu urmatorul continut: Promotia Holsten nu a inceput inca. Pastreaza berea la rece si inscrie-te incepand cu 15.07.2015 la acelasi numar sau pe www.holstenpilsner.ro.

Premiile puse in joc:
Marele premiu final: 3x Dacia Logan
Premii zilnice: 3x 1000 lei/zi
Detalii despre concurs si regulament puteti gasi pe site-ul organizatorului, www.holstenpilsner.ro

Video of Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona posted a video of two and a half minutes on YouTube where he referred to the difficult situation for the death of his father. He also said he will return to work and that will by FIFA.

"Many things these days. No one can know what I'm feeling inside about losing my father, perhaps many because they dont follow their routine. I do, cut me a love I thought was eternal and that does not forget so easily. It's not depression, not that I'm wrong with the Argentines, just I have the sadness of a child who is grateful and it will be up to day I die, "he said."I'm strong, will not I break. I'm very hard and have a lot back to say, these two. But be careful when you get back, back around. I'll be back to work, back by FIFA , will return to the people of Arabia gave me work and above all things, I return to my family because I know they are suffering as much as I , "he said, and repeated," It's not depression, sadness because losing someone It led me to be who I am today. "

marți, 28 iulie 2015

Karin Huila Jimenez makes Santiago Arias crazy for love

The good performance of the player Santiago Arias in the friendly match against Canada team resulted Colombia, the night of Tuesday in an avalanche of praise and compliments on Twitter by women.

And the footballer Copabacana (Antioquia), 22 and 1.71 m in height appears to be entering the list of the most wanted Colombian players, which lead James Rodriguez and Radamel Falcao, no matter much to their type fans who are already married. 

How are antojadas Colombian and compliments go as daring collection that appeared on Twitter! Perhaps many do not know (or care) that has wife for a year. Well that's nice.

This is the model Karin Huila Jimenez, whom the magazine Soho has already dedicated several pages posing in lingerie."Among women who accompany the players of Team Colombia, there is no more beautiful than her," says the publication.

Also the portal Futbolred shared a romantic photo gallery of the couple, as to leave no doubt that this man already has owner, so there is more of a rowdy out there that want to get their attention.

Top 10 Copa America - Tournament fun facts

One has to do with the amount of games led by an Argentine coach.

A day to start play the Copa America 2015 Chile, reviewing the history and statistics of competition left to denuded some other interesting curiosities that is always good to take them into account.

Here a review of these numbers:

1) it is the average of 3.28 goal per game in 725 games played

2) Seven games were defined in an extra match:
a) Brazil 1 vs. Uruguay 0, Rio de Janeiro, 1919
b) Brazil 3 vs. Paraguay 0, Rio de Janeiro, 1922
c) Argentina 2 vs. Brazil 0, Buenos Aires, 1937
d) Brazil 7 vs. Paraguay 0, Rio de Janeiro, 1949
e) Paraguay 3 vs. Brasil 2, Lima, 1953
f) Peru 1 vs. Colombia 0, Caracas, 1975
g) Paraguay 0 vs. Chile 0, Buenos Aires, 1979

3) 2381, goals scored in the tournament

4) In 1927 Peru reached the highest average goal per game: 6.17, product of 37 points in 6 games.

5) lowest goal average in Brazil 1922 was 2.00, with 22 goals in 11 games.

6) 15 countries played at least once America's Cup: the ten CONMEBOL teams, plus Mexico, USA, Costa Rica, Honduras and Japan (in 2015 Jamaica will add).

7) The National Stadium in Lima, Peru, is where most games were played in history, with 76 games.

8) 12-0. It is the most lopsided win in the history of the America's Cup in 1942.

9) Milestones goals:
a) one-José Piendibene (Uruguay) vs. Chile, in 1916
b) 100- Juan Heguy (Uruguay) vs. Chile, 1922
c) 500- José Moreno (Argentina) vs. Ecuador, 1942
d) 1000- Enrique Hormazábal (Chile) vs. Ecuador, 1955
e) 1500- Nelinho (Brazil) vs. Argentina, 1975
f) 2000 Luis Hernandez (Mexico) vs. Costa Rica, 1997
g) 2381- Diego Forlan (Uruguay) vs. Paraguay, 2011

10) The Argentine Guillermo Stábille is the coach with more games, with 44 games.

luni, 27 iulie 2015

Pentru Steaua urmeaza Partizan Belgrad

Semnalul de alarma pentru Steaua a fost tras: 1-1 cu CFR Cluj! Urmeaza partida cu Partizan Belgrad!

Steaua este singura echipa romaneasca care stie sa se mobilizeze si sa joace la calificare cand are partide in preliminariile sau grupele cupelor europene! Asa s-a intamplat si cu Trencin: stelistii veneau dupa insuccesul din finala Supercupei Romaniei si au invins cu 2-0 in deplasare. Ce s-a intamplat apoi acasa... stelistii veneau dupa o victorie in campionat! :)

Partizan nu este insa Trencin. La Belgrad si Zagreb sunt cele mai bune academii de fotbal din estul Europei! Prin 2008 Marian Iancu, sustinea ca "Partizan nu mai e ce a fost"! Si Partizan a trecut de Timisoara! Imi aduc aminte ca Dinamo lui Mircea Lucescu a eliminat Partizan cu doua victorii, la Bucuresti si la Belgrad.

Ce va face Steaua? Depinde de primul meci, de mobilizarea pe care Radoi va sti sa o faca si de ... noroc! Sa nu uitam ca Steaua va trebui sa faca fata si infernului pe care-l vor crea fanaticii suporteri, iar la Bucuresti se va juca cu portile inchise!