luni, 3 august 2015

Concurs Bere Timisoreana - 20 iulie - 05 octombrie 2015

"Voteaza cel mai simpatic carciumar Timisoreana", o noua campanie Timisoareana, este organizata pe intreg teritoriul Romaniei in perioada 20 iulie, ora 00.00.00 – 05 octombrie 2015, ora 23.59.59 inclusiv (ora Romaniei).

Poti participa la campanie / concurs numai cumparand produse URSUS Breweries - sticle de 500 ml de bere TImisoreana.

Mecanismul campaniei "Voteaza cel mai simpatic carciumar Timisoreana" pentru a putea participa in prezenta Campanie si pentru a intra in posesia unuia dintre premiile acordate in cadrul prezentei campanii:

Pentru castigarea premiilor constand in halbe speciale Timisoreana:

- Sa achizitioneze cel putin 3 ambalaje de bere Timisoreana 0.5 L pe perioada desfasurarii campaniei din locatiile participante in program si semnalizate cu materiale de comunicare;

- La fiecare 3 ambalaje Timisoreana, Participantul va primi pe loc, in limita stocului disponibil, un card razuibil. Cardul razuibil este acordat pe loc in locatiile participante de catre personalul din locatie.

- Participantul va trebui sa razuiasca zona gri a cardului. Prin razuire, pe fiecare card devine vizibil unul dintre urmatoarele 2 mesaje:

- un mesaj castigator, al unui premiu constand intr-o halba speciala Timisoreana, cu volum de 300 ml: “Felicitari, ai castigat o halba speciala Timisoreana”. In acest caz consumatorul va primi pe loc halba speciala Timisoareana, cu volum de 300ml.
- un mesaj necastigator „Mai incearca”;
Pentru castigarea premiilor constand in televizoare LED Philips:

- Consumatorii care isi voteaza carciumarul preferat trimitand codul locatiei (mentionat pe posterele din locatiile participante) prin SMS la 1718 au sansa de a castiga un TV LED Philips pe zi. In acest caz consumatorul poate trimite codul locatiei inscris pe posterul de campanie (care poate sa fie gasit in locatie) prin SMS la numarul 1718, numar cu tarif normal (valabil in retelele Orange, Vodafone si Telekom).

Premiile oferite in cadrul campaniei "Voteaza cel mai simpatic carciumar Timisoreana":

Premii oferite prin momente norocoase:
- 78 x Televizor LED Philips 81 diagonala

Premii oferite instant prin razuirea codului promotional:
- 250.800 x halba speciala Timisoreana, cu volum de 300 ml

Pentru fiecare premiu instant se va desemna anterior inceperii Promotiei, aleator, prin tragere la sorti cate un moment castigator (definit sub forma: zi, ora, minut) si, respectiv, cate un numar de ordine asociat fiecarui moment castigator (un numar intreg intre 1 si 5). 

Momentele castigatioare vor fi extrase din intervalul corespunzator perioadei Promotiei si, respectiv, din intervalul orar 08:00 – 22:00. 
Momentele castigatoare, respectiv numerele de ordine aferente acestora, vor fi consemnate intr-un document scris si autentificat de catre un notar public, ce nu va fi facut public. 

Va fi desemnat castigator Participantul care introduce in promotie un cod valid dupa un moment castigator si al carui numar de ordine este acelasi cu numarul de ordine corespunzator momentului castigator respectiv.

Premiile constand in halbe de bere Timisoreana se vor acorda pe loc in locatiile participante la program, semnalizate cu materiale de comunicare, pe baza unui borderou continand datele de identificare ale castigatorilor si semnatura de primire.

Premiile constand in televizoare marca Philips vor fi expediate castigatorilor de catre eMAG, la adresele indicate de catre castigatori, pe cheltuiala organizatorului, prin curierat rapid, ulterior incheierii procesului de validare a castigatorilor, in termen de maxim 30 de zile lucratoare de la incetarea Campaniei.

Mai multe detalii despre concurs si regulament puteti gasi pe

duminică, 2 august 2015

Ronda Rousey knocks out Bethe Correia (video) in 34 seconds of UFC 190

The Ultimate Fighting Championship announced the winners of the $50,000 fighter bonuses stemming from UFC 190 following the event in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday 1st of August. Ronda Rousey, Demian Maia, Mauricio “Shogun” Rua and Rogerio Nogueira took home the coveted awards - the money :).
Rousey, the women’s bantamweight champion, finished Bethe Correia in just 34 seconds in the main event to earn a Performance of the Night bonus - an extra $50,000. Correia hoped Ronda Rousey would enter into a striking exchange with her and she got her wish. But Ronda Rousey pressed forward and landed from the start a combination along the cage that hurt Correira. After a few seconds the Brazilian tried to circle away, but Ronda Rousey landed now a right hand that left Correia face-down on the canvas.

sâmbătă, 1 august 2015

Messi, Cristiano and Neymar, candidates for the best goal of the UEFA

Barcelona players Lionel Messi and Neymar da Silva and Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo, entered the top ten candidates for the best goal of the 2014/15 season in all competitions organized by UEFA.
The institution that governs European football shortlisted goals from three players in the Spanish league as the best of last year and will be voted by the users of official website of the UEFA until next Tuesday, August 25, when it will be announced The winner.
Christian's goal is selected marking Liverpool in Anfield in the group stage of the Champions League. The Portuguese got a target after making a good shot off the bat after a pass from the Colombian James Rodriguez.
Neymar got his goal against Paris Saint Germain at the turn of the quarterfinals of the Champions League played at the Camp Nou. The Brazilian took a spectacular assistance from Andres Iniesta to beat the French side.
Meanwhile, Lionel Messi scored his candidacy thanks to a goal by Bayern Munich in the first leg of the semifinals Barcelona played against the German box.
The other seven candidates are best goal: Robbie Muirhead (scored for Scotland against Norway), Kevin De Bruyne (with Wolfsburg at Lille), Vasyl Kobin (Metalist with Legia Warsaw), Aaron Ramsey (Arsenal to Galatasaray ) Mariam Abdoulaye (Belgium Wales), Antunes (with Dynamo Kiev Everton) and Erik Lamela (with Tottenham at Asteras).

vineri, 31 iulie 2015

Juliana Lopez Sarrazola arrested in China for taking drugs

On Tuesday July 28 talked about the model and footballer Sarrazola Juliana Lopez, was arrested in China for taking drugs.  

This girl Juliana Lopez  , 22, is accused of taking banned substances in his luggage. In this debate it was said that she was detained at the airport Guangzhou, a southern city of China, accused of bring banned substances. They talk about drugs inside your laptop. The family of the young looking for resources to travel and take their defence.

Also it discussed this Young Juliana had fallen in a country where its rules are quite strict. Once it is a Colombian prisoner loses its guarantees of defence, since communications with their families are almost impossible.They have complained that a translator charges between 150 and 250 dollars a day, very hard to pay to the families of the prisoners, most of whom are poor figure. In addition, the fees of a lawyer approaching $ 36,000 per process.

Visit a detainee in China costs about seven million dollars in outward and return passages, each of 23 hours transit. During the stay they are allowed to make a single visit to the jail in a month, which can not be extended more than an hour.
He also spoke this crime in China is treated with extreme hardness and in many cases those responsible were sentenced to death penalty to life imprisonment. The dramatic case of Juliana Lopez, whose status is uncertain, puts again highlighted the serious risks faced by many Colombians abroad and their specific situation in China. Unfortunately Juliana had to pay for his crime. Also speak the language, the high cost of lawyers and the conditions and inhumane treatment in prisons in China are just some of the problems that must "meet the detainees in the country"

I will also speak of otherwise where paisa model Juliana López cause  a big question , if she is innocent or guilty.    

This case has generated excitement not only among his family, his relatives and his fellow students and social work in the group called "Divas of football", but among the public.    

Because it's not just the interest that can wake the fact that a talented young woman  highlighted in fields related to modelling and sport may be involved in criminal proceedings across the world as a matter of drug trafficking, but it is above all a great human drama, whether positively is involved in that of which he is accused - which by now no one can assure - as if it 's still sad, can be innocent and fell in clutches of one of these networks of drug for which human beings are mere tokens to manipulate matter not throw  a prison for many decades. 
The saddest part of the trip Juliana Lopez to bring merchandise and sell it among his acquaintances China ended in tragedy where Juliana Lopez can be sentenced to life imprisonment or death penalty and in this  tangle with the law becomes a journey of no return .
While these facts are clarified, Juliana's family continues to collect funds to pay for his defence and claiming he is innocent. However, it was established that the investigation process in the Chinese justice could take between six months and two years, in which the contact of the young with family in Colombia would be very restricted.

Gianinna Maradona: "it Is anyone all day by eating the brain to my dad"

Gianinna Maradona spoke to AM on the controversial statements he made ​​his father, Diego Armando Maradona , in Intrusion.

Speaking to Veronica Lozano and Leo Montero, Gianinna said " I'm not used to this Dad " , and ignoring said " this situation is going. "

Diego said his daughter did not allow him to see his grandson Benjamin Aguero , because according to him "sided with his mom", like Dalma.

On this, the 25 year old said: "My son was on vacation with his father. If I get to the door, open it, "he said.
In addition to clarifying that he learned of the will by the media, he stressed that "if a person who is all day by eating the brain and showing false papers. Saying 'you stole this', 'this did this,' "he said.
He added that the papers show him the "can my child with a Word" .

"I was in the mediation. And the mediator said it was confidential. I had hysterics in mediation, "he said, adding that "A Dew (Oliva) let it out" . Although he hinted that want "fills the head" Diego is Alejo Clérici .

As if that were not enough, Alberto Dominguez , former lawyer Veronica Ojeda and current Diego Junior , revealed an alleged plot to kill Diego Maradona by a former partner named Victor Ojeda.

After word of counsel, Gianinna fear expressed by the way we speak of money on television: " I'm afraid now for all the millions and things that are being talked about . I have no security and I have a 6 year old. A kidnap me tomorrow and I do not know where my mother is going to take 80 sticks. Then, I get shot. "
No I'm having fun , but for my son I have to be with a smile from ear to ear, "he said.

Finally, Gianinna said "I will never speak ill of my dad on TV. If I have to say something I say it face to face, I do not tell someone else. "

On the other hand, Gianinna posted on his Twitter account, a provocative picture withCecilia Argueta , a former producer of Diego, member of Claudia Villafañe and charged cheat by "10".

They reveal that tried to kill Maradona

Alberto Dominguez , former lawyer Veronica Ojeda and current lawyer Diego Maradona Jr. revealed that there was an attempt to assassinate to Diego Maradona , between 2006 and 2007.

She told AM, a former boyfriend of Ojeda, named Victor , wanted to kill the Ten and your partner. "Ojeda would make hygiene visits to the prison to see Victor when just starting out with Maradona. Your partner then learned of the alleged infidelity , and wanted to kill them both , twice. 'That matching bulletproof vest because I'll kill 'were his words, "said the lawyer.

"The henchmen of Victor would kill them both but I avoided that happen . Maradona now has custody and Victor and reassembled his life, he is an honorable person, "said Dominguez.

I do not know know where Veronica Ojeda . Gianinna and Claudia called me because they knew I was leaving the sponsorship of Ojeda and then told them about thethreats , "he said.

After word of the lawyer, Gianinna Maradona expressed his fear for the way we speak of money on television : "I fear now for all the millions and things that are being talked about. I have no security and I have a 6 year old . To me tomorrow kidnapand I do not know where my mother is going to take 80 sticks. Then, I get shot . "